Hair Hook Factory
Viet Wig

We specialize in hook wigs with a highly skilled team, specialize hook hair super scalp, hair hook product for japan, Poly and high quality goods

Hair Hook Factory VietWig



Accepting processing and manufacturing Toupee/Topper wig samples Q6

Viet Wig hair factory accepts to process the production of Toupee/topper male bald wigs Model Q6 is available on the

Male bald hair model for the elderly with a lot of gray hair

Toupee Men’s Hair Model with silver hair can be customized upon request. Australian-style Toupee model with PU Edge around for

Receive production of silktop Topper – size 8x13cm

The model topper silktop size 8x13cm is pre-mounted with clips to make it easier to clip on real hair on the head, or remove the clip and stick it directly on the scalp with adhesive tape or specialized glue to help cover it. bald for women. Female bald roof Topper products use 100% real hair and are hooked each hair by a skilled hairdresser into the mesh. Product information:
  • Name: Topper silktop cover bald
  • Size: 8x13cm
  • Material: Real hair 100%
  • Hair length: Can be customized upon request (25cm - 30cm - 35 cm - 40 cm - 45 cm - 50 cm - 55 cm - 60cm.....)
  • Hair color: Can be customized upon request (#1 - #1b - #2..... and add gray hair as required)

Receive production Toupee male baldness model Full PU thin skin- Toupee Full PU (TFP01)

  • Product code: TFP01 (toupee Full PU 01)
  • Size: 5*7 inch; 6*8inch; 7*9inch; 8*10inch ...... and sizes according to customer requirements.
  • Material:
- Full PU - real hair 100%


Cán đồng giữ kim móc tóc giả

Cán đồng giữ kim móc tóc giả, dễ dàng thay kim mới khi đầu kim móc cũ bị hỏng do

Đầu xốp móc tóc giả

Xưởng tóc giả Việt Wig xin giới thiệu sản phẩm đầu xốp hỗ trợ móc tóc giả mà tất cả

Kim móc tóc giả – kim da

Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm: Trọng lượng: 3,7g/gói/50kim Chiều dài kim: 18,7 mm ☞Chúng tôi sử dụng sơn không

Lưới lót tóc giả siêu da đầu

120.000 8.000.000 
Lưới lót tóc giả siêu da đầu, lưới mềm với thành phần: 85% polyester 15% cotton kèm với hoa văn

Ribbon Ruy Băng phụ kiện toc gia – may giáp lưới mũ tóc giả Wig cap (RSJ-105)

Ribbon ruy băng may giáp lưới mũ tóc giả trước khi may tóc dệt lên, khi bạn may tạo form

Ribbon Ruy Băng phụ kiện tóc giả may bo viền mũ tóc giả wig cap mã SJ-104

Ribbon ruy băng phụ kiện tóc giả may bo viền lưới, tất cả các loại lưới khi được cắt ra


Form toupee hook hair border PU transparent combine NPU in the middle of the Lace net (FK02)

Product code: FK02 Material: - The 2 sides and the back are overlays PU/NPU - Mặt trước là viền PU trong - Ở giữa dùng ren lưới

Form Toupee hook wig with transparent PU border around, middle of MONO mesh (FAU1)

Australian style hair hook form, variation with transparent PU border around, in the middle is MONO mesh. Hair hook form can be made from many different base materials depending on the preferences and needs of each person, Viet Wig factory accepts to process toupee hair hook and hair toupee form on request. Product code: FAU1 Name: Australian style hair hook form Model 1 Material:
  • clear PU around
  • Between Mono Grid

Korean Style Toupee Form – The forehead edge is clear PU, around is PU with gauze, in the middle of Lace mesh – model 3 (FK03)

The Form FK03 is a combination of many styles and materials. Learning Korean style clear PU membrane forehead, Surrounded by PU Coating/NPU ,and the Australian Style, the Surrounding Edge is only clear PU or PU with gauze,Viet Wig hair salon combines Korean and Australian styles to create the Form FK03 With border in front of forehead is clear PU and around is PU with gauze, in the middle is Lace net. Product code: FK03 Name: Korean style Toupee hair hook form - sample 3 Material:
  • The front rim is Clear PU
  • The surrounding border is PU with gauze
  • in the middle is the Lace grid.

Model Form Holywood used PU&Gauze (FHW1)

Product code: FHW1 Tên gọi: form Holywood Mono mesh ,PU border used PU & gauze Material:
  • Forehead contour using Lace HD mesh
  • Between forehead and surrounding use PU membrane with gauze
  • The middle of the top of the head uses a MONO mesh

Received processing to produce female toupee/topper form covered with silktop 12cmx13cm

Viet Wig hair workshop accepts to make male Toupee form, female Topper form according to the required shape. The middle

The Form Toupee wig hook with clear PU border combined with NPU, between MONO mesh (FK01)

The FK01 wig hook toupee form is made according to the best-selling wig models in Korea. Korean guests who come to Vietnam to travel still need to use the service of washing and changing glue, so Viet Wig factory found that Koreans love the form with a combination of two types PU, forehead used clear PU materials. combined with PU coating around the sides and back. Product code: FK01 Size: 5*7 inch, 6*8inch, 7*9inch ..... and custom size as required Material:
  • 2 sides and back use PU/NPU coating
  • The front uses clear PU film
  • In the middle use a Mono net

toupee Form crocheting Australian style – Clear PU border around, middle of lace mesh (FAU2)

Product code: FAU2 Name: Austrila hair hook form toupee - model 2 (FAU2) Material:
  • clear PU around
  • Lace Grid in the middle
Size: 5*7inch; 6*8inch; 7*9inch..... customized on request.

Toupee/Topper form with PU/NPU coating edge, Lace mesh center (FNPU1)

It must be said that with the toupee/topper form with border is PU/NPU coating and in the middle is Lace mesh, but the simplest male bald wig crochet form for everyone to buy just hooks the hair and then cuts the excess PU border. You can use it without having to handle glue feet like other toupee and form topper forms. Product code: FNPU1 Name:Form Toupee crochet NPU wig - model 1 Material:
  • The surrounding border is Lace mesh.
  • PU coating on mesh (using PU with gauze)
  • In the middle of Lace's net

We receive wig hook processing for all items from easy to difficult, from Lace mesh, Mono mesh (DS) to Poly leather and 3-layer super-scalp fakes

Why choose Hair hook Factory Vietwig?

Get the desired hairstyle you need

See how we create the hairstyle you need with the latest techniques. We make extensions and wigs as natural as possible and feel comfortable for you.
