It must be said that with the toupee/topper form with border is PU/NPU coating and in the middle is Lace mesh, but the simplest male bald wig crochet form for everyone to buy just hooks the hair and then cuts the excess PU border. You can use it without having to handle glue feet like other toupee and form topper forms.
The advantage of toupe form with border is PU/NPU coating, in the middle is lace mesh:
- Simple form, easy to produce form
- Reduce the processing of hairline glue after hooking => Reduce product cost when finished
- The rim uses PU/NPU coating, which can be attached with a key clamp without worrying about damaging the PU border.
- The PU/NPU coating edge is quite thick and hard.
- Limit the hairstyle when the barber wants to model.